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How to choose a home brewery?


домашняя пивоварня braumeister

A home mini brewery is a set of full-cycle equipment that allows you to brew brewing at home. The installation is designed to prepare 10, 20 or 50 liters of foamy drink in one cycle, which lasts at least 24 days. It consists of the following components:


  • wort boiler,
  • Tanks for fermentation (fermentation),
  • Bottles or barrels for maturation and further storage of beer.

The size of a home minibrewery is not much different from a food processor, so it does not take up much space in the kitchen or pantry. Ease of use and the ability to try out the experience of a brewer at home for a non-specialist have made this equipment extremely popular with the general population. Microbreweries are bought as a gift to relatives and employees, as well as for personal use.

процесс приготовления пива в домашних условиях

How to make beer at home

Classic beer recipes involve mixing four ingredients in a certain proportion.

  • Water should be soft, ideally filtered.
  • The yeast used is not ordinary - food, but special - beer.

The taste, strength, color of beer is directly related to malt and hops. Fortunately, there is no need to personally prepare the malt by sprouting, drying cereals, and growing hops. Ready-made malts and concentrates offered by specialized companies make it possible to simplify the process of home brewing as much as possible. Innovative brewers are experimenting with the recipe, adding molasses, fruit extracts, honey, and spices. Both base and specialty malts are sold. So, for example, roasted malt gives the finished product a chocolate flavor, and stewed malt (caramel) gives sweetness.

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The principle of operation of a home brewery, rating of the best models

Home mini breweries differ in the volume of the prepared product. There are compact models of 10-20 liters, and there are real household breweries with a volume of 50 liters. They differ in design and price. The principle of operation of the installations is simple. It is enough to mix the brewing ingredients (malt, hops, yeast, water) in the right proportions to get beer at the end.



A few years ago, manufacturers produced home minibreweries with a wort kettle, which provided for the implementation and control of technological processes “manually”. The brewing algorithm is as follows:

  • Mashing: ground malt is poured with clean water and heated to the temperature required by the recipe.
  • Hopping consists in boiling the wort with the addition of hops, followed by rapid cooling.
  • To achieve the fermentation process, yeast is added. This process should continue until the wort is clarified.
  • During the capping stage, sugar is added to the beer. The drink is bottled and sent to a cool place for maturation.

Today, manual installations have been replaced by home minibreweries with an automatic unit, which has taken on a number of functions:



  • control of mashing time and temperature, operation of pumps,
  • display of process status indicators, current temperature and time on the screen,
  • informing the operator about brewing pauses.

разновидности сортов пива
In such a unit, it is enough to load the ingredients according to the recipe, he will do the rest himself.


If you want to feel like a brewer as much as possible, go through the entire brewing cycle step by step, then choose the first equipment option. Well, automatic home mini breweries are much more convenient to use, as they minimize human participation in technological processes.

Based on the reviews, experts have ranked the most popular home mini breweries:


  • according to the principle of malt washing,
  • in terms of volume produced in one cycle of products,
  • availability of accessories and auxiliary options.

A consultant of a specialized store will help you choose the optimal model of a home mini brewery, taking into account the preferences of the consumer.