Real beer connoisseurs, who are not satisfied with the taste of mass consumption brewing products sold through supermarkets, have got an excellent opportunity to brew their favorite drink at home. After all, such a unit as a home mini brewery appeared on the equipment market.

Specialized machines are produced by different brands in a range of models. They are compact installations that made it possible to brew beer in compliance with all technological processes for people who have not undergone special training, who have not received specialized education. At the same time, you can brew beer at home, for example, in a country house or in a garage, at a convenient time according to a traditional or your own recipe.

Benefits of home beer production in a mini brewery

Home minibrewery opens up interesting prospects for the amateur brewer.

How does a mini brewery work?

A home mini brewery, depending on the model, either ensures that the brewer goes through all the technological cycles, or works on the principle of one boiler, when malt concentrate is used instead of malt to prepare the wort. When choosing a unit model, you should consider whether only the result is important to you or the process is also interesting.

In the first case, it is worth choosing an automated device that will itself carry out and control temperature conditions, pressure inside the tank and the sequence of cycles. Such an installation notifies the owner in case of failures, violations of the set parameters, or the end of the process.

If you yourself are interested in doing mashing malt, preparing wort, adding yeast, controlling fermentation processes, and so on, then you should buy a home brewery that provides for constant operator intervention.

Where to start?

Experienced brewers encourage beginners to learn traditional recipes. Proven proportions and quality ingredients will be the key to a successful experience. When simple formulas are obtained, you can start experimenting with components to obtain new varieties.

What to look for when buying a mini brewery for home?

The price of household breweries in Ukraine differs significantly. Several factors affect the cost of models:

How to maintain a mini brewery

Each set of equipment (when buying equipment from a proven brand) is accompanied by a user manual. It is enough to follow the recommendations and rules so that the device serves for a long time and without failures. The main maintenance activities of the brewery include its thorough cleaning and disinfection after each brewing cycle. This is due to the fact that such a device provides for the preparation of a live product. Therefore, must residues, yeast microparticles, which can become a favorable environment for pathogenic microflora, should be carefully removed from surfaces, parts, and elements. Recommendations for choosing a disinfectant can be obtained on specialized forums or specialized sites from any region, not only large cities (Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa), but also small villages.

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Mini breweries

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